Jada at the picnic sight...

Jada and Mike having a Juniper Berry fight ...

On our way down the mountain Sunday we spied a tarantula crossing the road. Not uncommon around here, this is the third I have seen in the past 2 years. He started chasing me after I took his picture, so I ran...I had enough of being chased this day!

So for three years Mike and I have hear of wild raspberries growing on the mountain but no one could tell us exactly where. We found an obscure website that suggested the burned parts of the mountain and a certain trail so we found the trail and went raspberry hunting. Mike happened to notice a stack of rocks on the trail, which is used to mark something and went hiking up the hillside off the trail and behold there they were. Unfortunately, many had gone before us and there was only 2 berries a piece left.

As we hiked further, Jada and I stopped to admire a patch of clover which had leaves like hearts. Jada picked out her lucky clover, oddly it never left our possession until we got back to the picnic area....perhaps it was the luckiest of the bunch.

The trail ahead...

And this is the picture I took of the trail behind us. If I had waited about three more minutes, it would've had the mamma bear in the picture coming around the corner...

In retrospect I wish I wasn't so scared and could've shot a better picture but when your in danger you prioritize and Jada was the priority. So here are some pics of the "adventure" part of our hike.
The ol' black bear before we had any problems...seems like everytime I found the bear in my viewfinder she hid behind a tree.