Christmas at last! Hope everyone was Jolly for awhile at least :)! Missed granny's gumbo, sad, miss my family, very sad. Will be coming home most definitely in March. March 14th i believe is Jada's spring break. So christmas morning Jada opened a present she long suspected to be a pillow and voila it was Monkey Jammies...she hates monkeys but loves the jammies, finally we can rid ourselves of the jammies Jada refuses to let me sneak away that she has owned since she was 3. the pants are nearly to her knees now! So our toyless Christmas went over well, even santa complied with the exception of a Barbie doll and a Toy from the grandparents. Jada is the proud new owner of the nintendo DS which she loves, from mimi and other paw paw. Plenty of clothes thanks to granny and lots of books including an encyclopedia of Presidents (her newest interest to which i find i am grossly uninformed and can use the book to help me teach her) and a Shel Silverstein poem book (which i have already had to read half of cos she loves the silly stories as i did when i was little). So our christmas day as you all know led to Christmas sledding and followed by a night of family games and hot cocoa till everyone about fell asleep. it was fun and here are some pictures of the sledding, i included one of my favorites of mike's brother whose hat made him look like that bully on "A Christmas Story" Will somebody pleas send me back pics of Christmas at home??????