Sunday, December 20, 2009

Christmas Ballet recital

Jada's Christmas Recital was a couple days ago. What a fiasco too! The whole night almost a big disaster for mike and I. Anyway we made it through and here are the pictures and video. the video is blurry because the camera couldn't focus (because they start the dance in the dark.) Sorry. Jada is all the way on the left, i tried to keep her in the middle. The first video is at practice the next is the show. There is another video of Jada laughing alot, she was so tired and giggly after her ballet show.

Pretty soon we will be heading up to the mountains to play in the snow. It will be interesting with the dog, cross our fingers we don't cross the paths of any bunnies and have her run off. Jada has big plans for the snow including a snowman, snow fort and a big snowball fight. She says she wants me and her and cici on one side and daddy on the other.

Poor Jada says she wants another cat for Christmas too. I keep telling her if we got a cat the dog would eat it. She also says she still cant decide what to ask for from Santa so I assured her I already wrote a letter requesting her stocking be filled with green beans and broccoli.

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